Happy Holidays Peepsssss! :D

Tumblr Photography, Photography Graphics

Tumblr Photography, Photography Graphics

Assalamualaikum . :)

Hihi :'3 Okayyyy Holiday is starting bro !!!!!!! Happy Holidays Malaysians ! Alhamdulillah school is over .

Haha Okay , over the past few months of 2012 I mean during the school period . Sigh macam macam yang berlaku . It's all kind of mixed up , you know . Pain , distress , heart-breaking , overwhelming, joys and tears . Tears tears tears . Itulah conclusion yang boleh Intan buat for this year's school session . But tbh , I like this year's school session a whole lot better than last year tho . Real talk . Like seriously ! 3 Dinamik best gilaaaaaa ! Lol 2 Progresif was okay but 3 Dinamik is waaayyyyyyyy better . Lol harap-harap ex-2Prians tak masuk blog aku . *Fingers crossed ! Hehehe I mean , if they did read this post , I am such a dead meat ! :O

Thousands of apologies I seek from you , whoever is reading this crap . Haha Oooopppppssssss ! I know I have done tons of mistakes which I myself could not bear of admitting . If possible to list it , it would be a never-ending lists of delinquency , and mistakes , and faults and sins . So maafkan saya ya kawan-kawan ? Hehehehe

Lol Oh Motif gambar dekat atas tu eh ? Well, since it's holiday , so it's time to partaaaaayyyyyyyyy !!!!! Let's get kay-ray-zay ! Hahahahaha Eh but I'm a Muslim . So party is like totally the last thing I want to do in my life . Perhaps I'm just going to take my time off , enjoy the wonder world of nature , sit back , relax , read novels , take a sip of Starbucks coffee and enjoy the remnants of 2012 . LOL Cheesy metaphor. I know !  Hihi okay Laters niggas !

Hugs and kisses . Muah! <3 nbsp="nbsp">


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