Future ....2....?


Ive returned after a couple of years since my last entry.

Having read it, I rasa bersyukur that I wrote everything down. I've matured since then, I think. I can clearly see, the teenaged / early adult side of me for which I have grown to become a full fledged adult with responsibilities now and clearly, much more difficult decision to make

And, one thing for sure.. I've lost the ability to write...... T_T

Obviously, the tittle somewhat is giving a hint of what Im about to write. Funny.....Four years ago punya contemplation, still the same this time around. Hidup ni, dunia ni, memang satu roda. 

Turns out, I did decide to stay in Msia at the time, for at least another year post-fifth year or let's say..after graduation. 

What happened since then? 

Alhamdulillah, I graduated. Finished medschool without any repeat on exams. Soared through all of them with blessings from allah, doa & support from parents & family, and of course, my friends. Study group mmg berguna to refresh your knowledge and see other's perspective. Of course, you need your alone time to study as well. 

Then, I enrolled into housemanship. Oh boy, little did the innocent girl know how tough that was! Bila I tulis pasal kena tahan dgn environment tu, she knew nothing how the environment was going to be. It was......cruel. Let's just say, I then decided to go ahead with UKFY. With blessings from my parents, of course. Alhamdulillah, they allowed me to go. One of the tough sacrifices I had to make......

And, walla, here I am. In the UK. 

But most of my friends yg did went through HOship, skrg dah start MO dah. Only tips? Nk survive, therefore kena tahan. That's all. I wont go into details. 

And now, back to the present... Currently future pun, masih tak nampak. October ni, akan bukak specialty recruitment punya application. Hm... risau... Semua org cakap mmg tough, competitive.... Objectively speaking mmg ya... my desired specialty has a ratio of 2:1, and yg 2.6:1. but at least its not 4:1 kan... Plus, tbh, I pun tak tahu I nk pakar dlm bidang apa. So, I everyday I make du'a to Allah for guidance.  That the programme / consultant post in 10 years time will not only be of benefit to me & my family but for everyone around me, & for my akhirah as well. Because, I really, dont know. Some people dah dapat dah their calling, so they only need to work hard on building their portfolio. 

Ha, that's the other thing about the UK. Portfolio..... Again, I wont go into details... In the future, when I look back, I will know anyway what that is. 

I guess, that's it. Time to study to prep for my APLS course. 

Make du'a for the Palestinians as well guys. InshaAllah

May we remain stedfast in our deen



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