
Showing posts from 2012

Alhamdulillah . Terima kasih Ya Allah ^^

Assalamualaikum . Hihi alhamdulillah . Hari ni intan nk update pasal result pmr intan . Syukur dapat 8A . :') Finally , all my hardwork pays off . See ? Allah maha adil . :> Okay at first tadi dah sampai sekolah at about 10 a.m. (i know excited gila) But then cikgu Mathana ckp the result will not be announced until 11:30 or so . So intan dok lepak dekat al-salam . hahaha sarapan ok ! And at about 11 , intan syafiqah (isya) called me . She got 8A !!! Kita soo happy for her !  I actually screamed dekat al-salam but lantaklah ! haha . Convent 129 perfect score kan ? Tahniah . Kita pon dh nervous dah . Ye lah result dekat sekolah kita tak keluar lagi . Dia dekat JB dah tahu . So bla bla bla , akhirnya kita pon diannounced one of the students yang dapat 8A Eeeeeeep ! Happy gila weh ! :'D Sekolah kita 15 orang je yang dapat straight A's . Competitors kita (Wong Yee Jinq) yang dlm kelas kit...


Hai korang Assalamualaikum . ^^ '' Orang dekat belakang gambar ni sibuk tak lawa pulak tu . '' Those ten measly little words hit me right into my heart and it instantaneously sinks beneath the very deep of my self-loathe ocean . Hmm ya kita tahu . But just to let you know , I am Allah's creation . You do know that right ? Or were you too oblivious that time to even think about it ? And you do know that that instant you taunted me , isn't it as if you were taunting Allah too ? It happens so indirectly isn't it ? The irony . So Abby , look who's talking now ? ;) Okay bye! xx

It's 2:40 a.m.

Assalamualaikum. It's 2:45 in the morning . And kita rasa gatal sangat nk update blog . Hehe . Tetiba rasa macam nak delete semuaaaa post yang lama . But I thought 'Hey babe , if you delete all the post , it's like you're erasing all your past' . So it's something that I don't want to do . We don't even have an eraser in real life . I need to know how my life has evolve or changed and all the mistakes that I have done . I need to learn from it . Experience it and keep in mind to not do the stupid old mistakes again . So yep! There you go . Takde cerita apa pon hari ni . Ahaa macam korang kisah pulak kan ? Lol Have a nice day !  xx


Assalamualaikum , Good Afternoon :)) Okay so on the last few days I heard the news about grades PMR is dropping . Izzit true anyway ? For those who have never heard about it I'll note down the grades OK ?  BM 67 | BI 67 | PAI 70 | KHB 75 | BA 85 | SC 70 | MATH 72 | SEJ 75 | GEO 75 | That's it . Tu starting marks untuk dapatkan A lah . Okay I just wanna share . But kesahihan nya tidak dapat dipastikan lah . Omgg just another two weeks for the results to come out . *gasp* !!!! Ok I guess that's all . Stay updated bitches! Hahaha toodles my love ! :p God bless :3

Addictionssss :p

Heyyy :) Okay this year's holiday seems like the longest holiday I have ever experienced !  Do you not feel that way ? So hmm I don't think I've spent my holidays the right way , you know .  Bcos I do absolutely nothing beneficial .  Hahaha so here is the thing that I did yesterday .  It's the compilation of all my favourite celebrities .  And doubtless to say that it's yours too right ? ( I mean not all of it , but there must be at least one . Is it not ? ;-)) I know it looks like crap . Yes ? No ? Lmao whatever . It's just that I'm too bored and there's nothing interesting on TV so I just did this . Grab all of my magazine and do the cut-and-paste thingie . Yeah I think that's all for today . Ciao adiós mios ! xx I got this picture from a Facebook page , Justin Bieber Music University . And yeap it's pretty obvious that the source is from . Haha Yeah I know there's no resemb...


Hello . How are you guys doing ? :) I hope you guys are at the best state .  The reason that I am writing this post is just out of random . WAIT.  SPOILER ALERT !!! This post may make you feel urmmm menyampah . So if you get annoyed or whatever it is , psshhhh I'm sorry . That ain't my problem . Be happy to close this tab okay ? ;) See ? I've warned ya .  Well , I have actually come to the point where I truly , dearly hate my self . Yeap that's why I put that image . Because clearly I am NOT happy . I'm too ugly I feel like I wanna cut myself . >.> Everyday , every moment that I had to look at the mirror (like in the bathroom after shower or whatever) and technically I hate everything about me ! They always on and on says that Love yourself blah blah blahhhh Everyone deserves to be beautiful , etc . I was like Hahahahahahahaha wtf . It's because the person who's responsible to say that is a beautiful person so ...... I...

1st of Muharram

Assalamualaikum .. Hehe Salam Maal Hijrah to all Muslims in the whole wide world . :) Mudah-mudahan dapat berubah ke arah kebaikan OK ? Insyaallah . ^^ I have a new mission this year ; Be a better muslimah and always devout to Allah . I am thankful and grateful because I was given the chance to still be able to breathe the scent of fresh morning air and experiencing the 1st of Muharram . Syukran Alhamdulillah . :) Oh yeah . I want to share something . But if you guys batch 97 mesti dah tahu pasal ni . Anyway, if you guys wanna know , paper Agama tahun ni keluar pasal Hijrah .. About 2 questions tak silap . First dia tanya apa maksud Hijrah . Hehe thank God I ingat . Perpindahan Rasululluah yang diikuti oleh penduduk Muhajirin Mekah dari Mekah ke Madinah right ? Hehe sajaaa nk berlagak pandai . Lol pejadah siak ! -.- And the other question is that pasal 2 pengorbanan kaum Muhajirin semasa peristiwa Hijrah . Okay yang ini kita hentam ! Haha  ...

Mr. Moustache

Hello peeps ! Hi Hi you guys . I'm totally like addicted to Mr. Moustache right now . I wanted to buy the necklaces up there but I can't seem to find one in any store nearby . So can you please tell me what shop or where can I find those ? Pweeaseeee ? :3 You know when I'm addicted to something I might end up dreaming about it when I sleep . Lol Pinky promise you won't tell anyone ! Hahaha This is going nowhere .  But seriously , this is currently my HUGE obsession right now . I want Mr. Moustache accessories so baddddddddd . So if you know where to buy , please tell me okay sweetheart ? :) THANKS ! :) P/s: Rumour has it that Justin and Selena broke up . It's going worlwide . Is it true though ? OMG I  CAN'T ..... 

Yeay berjaya!

Bonjour cingus ! :))  Okay today's post is going to be about me having a success in completing this cube ! :D #yayme ! Hahaha Well actually if I'm not mistaken , I have been able to complete this thing for about two weeks ago . Thanks to Diha . Shoutout to Akak kecoh ! Ahahaha Thanks Diha ! She's been a great teacher . Well , to tell you the truth , she is such a garang teacher af ! Omg takut gila time tengah pratice . I'm such a noob that time so tak berapa nk sure what's the next step . So , well I think you know how's the next story is going to be like . I dont have to tell you that. Of course you guys semua intelligent kan ? So you guys can figure it out yourself . ;) Alhamdulillah , I've been wanting to complete this since I was in Standard 6 . That time was with Zulfaqar , if I recall . But since it was the last day of school , so tak sempat nk khatam . Haha And now , finally mission accomplished ! Yayy ! TeeHee Thats all for no...

Happy Holidays Peepsssss! :D

Assalamualaikum . :) Hihi :'3 Okayyyy Holiday is starting bro !!!!!!! Happy Holidays Malaysians ! Alhamdulillah school is over . Haha Okay , over the past few months of 2012 I mean during the school period . Sigh macam macam yang berlaku . It's all kind of mixed up , you know . Pain , distress , heart-breaking , overwhelming, joys and tears . Tears tears tears . Itulah conclusion yang boleh Intan buat for this year's school session . But tbh , I like this year's school session a whole lot better than last year tho . Real talk . Like seriously ! 3 Dinamik best gilaaaaaa ! Lol 2 Progresif was okay but 3 Dinamik is waaayyyyyyyy better . Lol harap-harap ex-2Prians tak masuk blog aku . *Fingers crossed ! Hehehe I mean , if they did read this post , I am such a dead meat ! :O Thousands of apologies I seek from you , whoever is reading this crap . Haha Oooopppppssssss ! I know I have done tons of mistakes which I myself could not bear of admitting . If p...

PMR No More

Assalamualaikum ! Ahlan Wasahlan ya rifaq !  Hehehehehehe ~ Yeaaayyyyyyyy PMR is finally over ! *happy dancing* Alhamdulillah Apa yang Intan harap is that I can get great results . Well I suppose that is all I can actually say right now, since I'm not really good in words . P/S: LOVE graphic up there actually symbolises my appreciation and LOVEEEE because no more exam for this year . Hugs and kisses

Mid Year Examination

Alhamdulillah !!! Praise to Allah ! I'm totally falling in love with my results !  Lol .  Kejadah jatuh cinta konon dgn result sendiri ! #MTL Ke lauuuuuuuuut weh ! Haha ! Syukuuuuurrrr sangat sangat sangat . PMR , please be like this . Amin ! Kbye I don't wanna update tooo much . People talk babe !

Jusco Tebrau City ^^

*Lol forever ignore the face* Okay so on 3rd June 2012 , on Sunday my friend Intan and I met ! Along with her cute little sister . :3 Alast !!!!! Finally !!! Haha we haven't met each other since , umm 2009/2010 I guess. That's quite a loooonggggg time aite ? We had so much fun that day . We went to Harris , we watched Snow White and The Huntsman , turns out that the Huntsman was Chris Hemsworth rite ? Lol I never know ~ Dekat sana before tengok wayang we enter the Playzone Kitaorang manin tembak-tembak , bowling , ahaha . And le most exciting time is that she actually bought me a bear ! Woot ! I was so blown away . I had never got a bear as a present for me , tbh . So , ofcourse lah kan I was on cloud nine that time . Thank you so much Intan . Truly , I appreciate that a lot .  :* *this is the bear she gave me* The bottom line is , I really hope I can spend time with her next time ....

New-comer :D

^ | | | | | | | | This boy ! Awh isn't he just adorable ? :') KYEOPTA ! <3 Welcome to the world baby Zarif ! Nama penuh dia Muhammad Razin Zarif . Tembam gilaaaa ! Dah la putih ! Jealous tahu tak ? Ergh He's such a beautiful baby boy ! And a healthy one too . :3 Since he's just a baby boy As usual , apa je yang dia buat kan ? Sleep sleep sleep and cry cry cryyy ALL the time . Hahaha ye lah takkan nak memasak pulak kan . :p He's fair . K forever jelly ! Haha :p K that's all I want to say right now . Stay updated ! Lol

Cuti Cuti Cuti!

Happy Holidays you guyssssss ZZZzzzzzZZZ *bunyi cengkerik* Haha boredom strikes me Okay so no planning for this holiday Know what would I do ? Uhmmmm I'm gonna live my life, no matter what we party tonight  Lol Oh my god what the hell aku merepek siaaaa Well , Alhamdulillah I got A for Sejarah Syukur ! Syukur !! Hikhik Berapa markah ? Oppssss the secret's mine ~ The thing that I fear the most is probably *roll eyes* KH  and Geografi *sigh* Those two are killing me ! Thats All for today Keep safe and sound this holiday tau Dont waste your time spending the whole holiday doing some stupid things And might probably hurt yourself Life's too short aite ? God Bless xo

Nilai College :D

My Persatuan Tunas Gemilang trip to Nilai College was awhsome !!! Okay , on 31st March we went to Nilai college As a lawatan sambil belajar lah The lecturer told us about engineering , biotechnology , computer IT and such . Oh yeah, kitorang pun sempat lagi tengok those dudes break dancing And there's this one guy Omg hahaha Major cuteness !!!! Zue dok 'fangirling' dekat dia Hahahaha :p And then, bila balik In the bus Mak Piah, Wina, Zue and Aina Nazira dah macam orang gilaaa Do some free concert dekat seat belakang Rembat lagu Adele Lol XD And the conclusion is ? The trip was amazing !!! We feel like staying there ! Lmao Lots of love xx

Exam's Result

Ughhh okay First exam I only got 6A 2B I got B in Bahasa Melayu and unexpextedly , Mathematics -___-'' Seriously , Okay first, I dont mean to brag or whatever but I'm just spitting it out I've NEVER ever in my entire 15 years got B in maths Never !!!!!!! But now , Oh wtf ? My dad is clearlyyyyyyyy devastated and practically dissapointed Oh , what the hell . Me either ! But , what can I do . Terima dengan hati yang terbuka right ? Hihi :] Well, I hope this aint happening for PMR . Pleaseeeeeee , I feel sooo tergugat with my Sigs amigos' achievements .

Cuti sekolah Lai Lai Laiiiiiiii

Assalamualaikum :) Hahaha Kayyy School Holiday's starting!!!! Oh yeah Babeh! But I'm not really going to enjoy this holiday Cause I'm so scared of what my result might be! I dont think I can get straight A's this time. Like seriously! Oh God.... Its holiday man! Dont want to stress my self thinking about that freaking examination anymore. Umm Well, we're not going anywhere Just stuck in this apartment for like everyday, doing nothing. NOTHAINGGGG I tell you. Oh Wait! Yeah, Kerja Kursus on the wayyyyy iTak okay. Eh? Lol Hahahaha Okay, Happy Holidays you guys!! Lots of love


My school participate in a netball match last Tuesday on 31st January. At Stadium Paroi We LOST. All of the match We didn't won a single match Shizzzzzz Its just so.........just so frustrating. I was hoping we could win this thing And it all turned the other way I'm sooo not in the mood right now

Dayy 3

Kayy Ok? Ok? Kayy Hehe Ok, Day Three of school. Aka hari ketiga kelas baru dann kawan baruuuu I mean, kawan'' dekat kelas tu lah kann yang baruu Anyway........ Alhamdulillah, so far so good :B Take things slowwww And now, the worst thing is that I'm only allowed to go online waktu petang Because I HAVE to study w my daddy at 9 until 11 or something Why??? ask him Hmph, actually, he's going to look out for my studies. It's like I'm going to a tuition ya' know? But he's moreee looking forward at Math Yup! Ni semua sebab nak PMR lahh ni. Haishhhh -,-

First Daeee

F i r s t D a y O f S c h o o l Huh Lemme phrase it this way More of a chaos I would say Especially Form 3 students The other forms, I dont know Bangunan kitorang memang khas untuk form 3 sahaja kayy? I got promoted to 3 Dinamik Cehh promoted sangat *matakeatastangankebahu* :P And it's only me and Ani whom from the other class that join 3 D It's kind of boring Well, actually maybe its because of the fact that I'm not really cordial with the rest of the classmates yet And the fact that I'm not a sociable kind of person So.... I'm being patience until I can get to know them. But anyway, Thank God Ani ada! At the very least I have one friend whom I knew a year ago hmmm Okay maybe that's all about today Thanks for reading my lameeee post anyway *.* Haha ciao! xx

Holidays Ending School's Coming T_T

Bye Bye Holidays wuwuwuwu T_T I'm soo going to miss you!!!! And HELLO SMK Dato' Mohd Said Ugh PMR's coming in 10 months Okay : No more Sleeping late No more Waking up in the afternoon No more siting infront of my laptop 24/7 No more PS2 No more eating and sleeping eating and sleeping And the last thing is no more fun fun fun! Oh god. Idek what to say anymore I just have to focus with my studying and eventually giving up everything for a while God Willing, 8A's Please come trueeee :'| InsyaAllah.... Okay What I'm dying to say now is Besuk if ada newbies dekat kelas aku, I'm going to be the first girl in the class to say HELLO NEWBIES HAHAHAHAHAAH *K TAK LAWAK* xoxo

New Year Coming Through

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!! 2012, please be good to me Please don't screw me up I don't want any more tears My wish is just God Willing, I just want to live my life with the best thing I can ever have Be an obedient child to my parents, A loyal friend to my friends Be a humble human being and Always devout to Allah InsyaAllah. Btw, Shoutout to my girls Sue & Amy! I'm looking forward to see you guys as soon as possible in this year Haha I miss you guys so so so much!<3 xx