Its already 8th of March. So, result SPM has been announced for approximately 5 days ago. Alhamdulillah, I manage to score straight as. Though stuck 2 A solid but still bersyukur. And now, I'm currently in an undecided stage. Ingatkan after SPM, like everything's gonna be easier, smooth sailing, and whatnot. Rupanya, in order to decide your career path isnt all that kacang, OK. My choice is either medic or engineering. Nak jadi engineer to be honest dah lepas dah bcs dah dapat offer from UTP and Uniten. And with Uniten tu, dapat full scholarship so once I enrolled, which is suppose 16hrb ni, I dont have to think of duit perbelanjaan tu semua lagi bcs dh dapat scholar YTN. BUT, I'm thinking of nk smbg medic. Tapi betul ke aku nak medic? Hmm. My physics is stronger than Bio. Nevertheless, right now, it's either A-levels or IB, JPA or MARA. The ball is in my court. Yes, I did thought of Istikharah but i can't so its kind of disappointing, to not be able to perform Istikharah ni. Orang semua kata better JPA kan bcause elaun masuk on time, utamakan bumiputera and banyak lagi la pro dia. Tapi the probability to fly overseas under JPA scholar tu like 0.4 so its a failurela, q. Plus, its a twinning programme meaning that either u dapat study overseas for two years or u have to habiskan terus ur another two years degree tu here. Nak lagi practical? I've weigh down dah pun all the pros and cons between JPA/Alevels and MARA/IB, and frankly Alevel win! I dont knowla. After this, if shortlisted, I have to attend to the interview session lagi :( Insecurela.
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