
Showing posts from November, 2012


Hello . How are you guys doing ? :) I hope you guys are at the best state .  The reason that I am writing this post is just out of random . WAIT.  SPOILER ALERT !!! This post may make you feel urmmm menyampah . So if you get annoyed or whatever it is , psshhhh I'm sorry . That ain't my problem . Be happy to close this tab okay ? ;) See ? I've warned ya .  Well , I have actually come to the point where I truly , dearly hate my self . Yeap that's why I put that image . Because clearly I am NOT happy . I'm too ugly I feel like I wanna cut myself . >.> Everyday , every moment that I had to look at the mirror (like in the bathroom after shower or whatever) and technically I hate everything about me ! They always on and on says that Love yourself blah blah blahhhh Everyone deserves to be beautiful , etc . I was like Hahahahahahahaha wtf . It's because the person who's responsible to say that is a beautiful person so ...... I...

1st of Muharram

Assalamualaikum .. Hehe Salam Maal Hijrah to all Muslims in the whole wide world . :) Mudah-mudahan dapat berubah ke arah kebaikan OK ? Insyaallah . ^^ I have a new mission this year ; Be a better muslimah and always devout to Allah . I am thankful and grateful because I was given the chance to still be able to breathe the scent of fresh morning air and experiencing the 1st of Muharram . Syukran Alhamdulillah . :) Oh yeah . I want to share something . But if you guys batch 97 mesti dah tahu pasal ni . Anyway, if you guys wanna know , paper Agama tahun ni keluar pasal Hijrah .. About 2 questions tak silap . First dia tanya apa maksud Hijrah . Hehe thank God I ingat . Perpindahan Rasululluah yang diikuti oleh penduduk Muhajirin Mekah dari Mekah ke Madinah right ? Hehe sajaaa nk berlagak pandai . Lol pejadah siak ! -.- And the other question is that pasal 2 pengorbanan kaum Muhajirin semasa peristiwa Hijrah . Okay yang ini kita hentam ! Haha  ...

Mr. Moustache

Hello peeps ! Hi Hi you guys . I'm totally like addicted to Mr. Moustache right now . I wanted to buy the necklaces up there but I can't seem to find one in any store nearby . So can you please tell me what shop or where can I find those ? Pweeaseeee ? :3 You know when I'm addicted to something I might end up dreaming about it when I sleep . Lol Pinky promise you won't tell anyone ! Hahaha This is going nowhere .  But seriously , this is currently my HUGE obsession right now . I want Mr. Moustache accessories so baddddddddd . So if you know where to buy , please tell me okay sweetheart ? :) THANKS ! :) P/s: Rumour has it that Justin and Selena broke up . It's going worlwide . Is it true though ? OMG I  CAN'T ..... 

Yeay berjaya!

Bonjour cingus ! :))  Okay today's post is going to be about me having a success in completing this cube ! :D #yayme ! Hahaha Well actually if I'm not mistaken , I have been able to complete this thing for about two weeks ago . Thanks to Diha . Shoutout to Akak kecoh ! Ahahaha Thanks Diha ! She's been a great teacher . Well , to tell you the truth , she is such a garang teacher af ! Omg takut gila time tengah pratice . I'm such a noob that time so tak berapa nk sure what's the next step . So , well I think you know how's the next story is going to be like . I dont have to tell you that. Of course you guys semua intelligent kan ? So you guys can figure it out yourself . ;) Alhamdulillah , I've been wanting to complete this since I was in Standard 6 . That time was with Zulfaqar , if I recall . But since it was the last day of school , so tak sempat nk khatam . Haha And now , finally mission accomplished ! Yayy ! TeeHee Thats all for no...

Happy Holidays Peepsssss! :D

Assalamualaikum . :) Hihi :'3 Okayyyy Holiday is starting bro !!!!!!! Happy Holidays Malaysians ! Alhamdulillah school is over . Haha Okay , over the past few months of 2012 I mean during the school period . Sigh macam macam yang berlaku . It's all kind of mixed up , you know . Pain , distress , heart-breaking , overwhelming, joys and tears . Tears tears tears . Itulah conclusion yang boleh Intan buat for this year's school session . But tbh , I like this year's school session a whole lot better than last year tho . Real talk . Like seriously ! 3 Dinamik best gilaaaaaa ! Lol 2 Progresif was okay but 3 Dinamik is waaayyyyyyyy better . Lol harap-harap ex-2Prians tak masuk blog aku . *Fingers crossed ! Hehehe I mean , if they did read this post , I am such a dead meat ! :O Thousands of apologies I seek from you , whoever is reading this crap . Haha Oooopppppssssss ! I know I have done tons of mistakes which I myself could not bear of admitting . If p...