Assalamualaikum.. Hi
I just received an award today. It was a MISC Education Excellence Award, the company that my father is currently working for. I could say that the award has brought an impact on me-though not tremendously.
Hmm.... I was fascinated by one particular eye-opening speech given by the best student (believe me, she deserves to be the best among the best)(she's not just the cream, but she's also the icing of a cake) I cant remember her name, unfortunately but I do remember that she was from Intej (Integrasi Jempol). You know, now in this particular time I'm writing this entry I have come to the realisation that these past couple of years, those manusia yang Berjaya adalah manusia yang sentiasa taat pada Allah. Comparing myself to them I realised yg I don't resemble them at all. Not even one bit. Ya Allah, jauhnya aku daripada jalan yang diredhaimu.
On and On I used to write in my Bahasia Malaysia's karangan about how people marcapada live bertuhankan kebendaan and money became their only survivor, or sole objective in life. It's like they strive for money as their main self accomplishment. Yes, semua orang kerja nak duit. NO money, how can you talk? Macam mana nak bercakap untuk urusan jual beli kalau takde duit? Nak buy groceries, ikan kat pasar or whatnot dengan air liur tak jalan kan? Sedangkan tanpa keredhaan Allah, none of this life matters! Untuk apa if we enjoy living our life YOLO ke tapi at some point in our lives kita end up feeling a void or a vast emptiness in our heart?
Huh, what a joke, yet I was the one yang actually lead a life menjadi hamba abdi to materials, duniawi. Tanpa disedari, I blindly wrote about my self and ironically loathe those kind of people yang in fact, are just of the similar species as I am! Jahilnya aku. I didn't even balances the scale of my duniya and akhirah. We're just traveller's, for God sake! Why do we always have to rush or chase this worthless kehidupan dunia sedangkan akhirat adalah out pit stop/end point? We are all on a race- a race to Jannah, Firdaus, Heaven.
Solat patuk ayam, apa yang dikejarkan sebenarnya? Tv takde cerita best pun. Astro just keeps on repeating the same movies all over again.
What have I done? Ya allah, I became so blind with what the dunia has to offer that I had forgotten my vow and what the akhirah has load in store for their true Mukmin. Ampuniku.
Jom muhasabah?
I just received an award today. It was a MISC Education Excellence Award, the company that my father is currently working for. I could say that the award has brought an impact on me-though not tremendously.
Hmm.... I was fascinated by one particular eye-opening speech given by the best student (believe me, she deserves to be the best among the best)(she's not just the cream, but she's also the icing of a cake) I cant remember her name, unfortunately but I do remember that she was from Intej (Integrasi Jempol). You know, now in this particular time I'm writing this entry I have come to the realisation that these past couple of years, those manusia yang Berjaya adalah manusia yang sentiasa taat pada Allah. Comparing myself to them I realised yg I don't resemble them at all. Not even one bit. Ya Allah, jauhnya aku daripada jalan yang diredhaimu.
On and On I used to write in my Bahasia Malaysia's karangan about how people marcapada live bertuhankan kebendaan and money became their only survivor, or sole objective in life. It's like they strive for money as their main self accomplishment. Yes, semua orang kerja nak duit. NO money, how can you talk? Macam mana nak bercakap untuk urusan jual beli kalau takde duit? Nak buy groceries, ikan kat pasar or whatnot dengan air liur tak jalan kan? Sedangkan tanpa keredhaan Allah, none of this life matters! Untuk apa if we enjoy living our life YOLO ke tapi at some point in our lives kita end up feeling a void or a vast emptiness in our heart?
Huh, what a joke, yet I was the one yang actually lead a life menjadi hamba abdi to materials, duniawi. Tanpa disedari, I blindly wrote about my self and ironically loathe those kind of people yang in fact, are just of the similar species as I am! Jahilnya aku. I didn't even balances the scale of my duniya and akhirah. We're just traveller's, for God sake! Why do we always have to rush or chase this worthless kehidupan dunia sedangkan akhirat adalah out pit stop/end point? We are all on a race- a race to Jannah, Firdaus, Heaven.
Solat patuk ayam, apa yang dikejarkan sebenarnya? Tv takde cerita best pun. Astro just keeps on repeating the same movies all over again.
What have I done? Ya allah, I became so blind with what the dunia has to offer that I had forgotten my vow and what the akhirah has load in store for their true Mukmin. Ampuniku.
Jom muhasabah?
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