Aliff Aziz ♥♥♥

^ | | | | | | | | Oh my god ! omigodomigodmigod !!!!!! Know this guy ? The guy on the right , the taller one . Yeah Aliff Aziz ! Alahhh , yang cute cute yang comel comel tuuuuuu . :P Hihihi Know what ? He just followed me on Twitter !!!!!!!!!!!!! Heck yeah ! Alahmdulillah . :) I never thought of being followed by any artist on twitter , seriously . Ahh , Wicked ... Heee I'm so blown away right now . Wait . I don't want to go to sleep tonight . I'm just still excited . Huh what a day . Lucky me I guess XD Sorry eh kalau kita jakun . Kita tak se femes macam korang . Faham kan ? ;) ILOVEYOUUUUU :* THE BEST DAY EVERRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!! It's his twitter icon . Saje je nk letak gambar ni :P xoxo EXTREMELY HAPPY !