
Showing posts from 2024

Future ....2....?

 Hi,  Ive returned after a couple of years since my last entry. Having read it, I rasa bersyukur that I wrote everything down. I've matured since then, I think. I can clearly see, the teenaged / early adult side of me for which I have grown to become a full fledged adult with responsibilities now and clearly, much more difficult decision to make And, one thing for sure.. I've lost the ability to write...... T_T Obviously, the tittle somewhat is giving a hint of what Im about to write. Funny.....Four years ago punya contemplation, still the same this time around. Hidup ni, dunia ni, memang satu roda.  Turns out, I did decide to stay in Msia at the time, for at least another year post-fifth year or let's say..after graduation.  What happened since then?  Alhamdulillah, I graduated. Finished medschool without any repeat on exams. Soared through all of them with blessings from allah, doa & support from parents & family, and of course, my friends. Study group mmg berguna